The information below provides an approximate vitamin conversion from standardized units (IU, RAE, DFE, NE) to milligrams or micrograms. Mcg = mg = microgram Vitamin Unit Conversions and Calculations IU, mcg, and Other Label Unit Abbreviations IUs provide a standardized way to calculate a vitamin’s potency across different vitamin forms. IUs are preferred rather than weight for many vitamins, because different vitamin forms can have different levels of potency. International Units (IU) are one of the standardized units used to calculate or measure vitamin potency and biological effectiveness. Why are there a variety of different terms used, and how do you convert between these different units?

You’ll find terms like mg, mcg, IU and more. When you look at a food label, you might be confused at the variety of different measurements used to indicate how much of each vitamin is in that food. Vitamin Conversions – International Units (IU) to mg or mcg